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netboxdns - provides resolution using Netbox DNS Plugin (netbox-plugin-dns)


The netboxdns plugin provides resolution for zones configured using netbox-plugin-dns.

Depends on netbox-plugin-dns version 0.22.8 or greater.

The account that the API token is tied to will need the following permissions:


Available configuration options:

netboxdns [ZONES...] {
    token TOKEN
    url URL
    timeout DURATION
    fallthrough [ZONES...]


Clone the coredns repository and change into it's directory.

git clone
cd coredns

Fetch the plugin and add it to coredns's go.mod file:

go get -u

Update plugin.cfg in the root of the directory. The netboxdns declaration should be inserted after cache if you want responses from Netbox to be cached.

# Using sed
sed -i '/^cache:cache/a' plugin.cfg
# Using Powershell
(Get-Content plugin.cfg).`
Replace("cache:cache", "cache:cache`") | `
Set-Content -Path plugin.cfg

Build using make:


Or if make is not available, simply run:

go generate && go build

The coredns binary will be in the root of the project directory, unless otherwise specified by the -o flag.


A Docker Compose file is provided to setup a minimal Netbox instance to run tests against. If using Visual Studio Code, two tasks are configured to start and stop this instance. Use Ctrl+Shift+P and select [Start] Netbox test instance.

Check that Netbox is finished with the initial setup by watching the container logs using:

docker logs -f coredns-netbox-plugin-dns-netbox-1

The test instance will be available at http://localhost:9999 with the admin:admin username and password. When you see healthcheck requests, invoke init.go to populate the test dataset.

go run .testing/init/init.go

This standalone application POSTs the contents of the JSON files in .testing/init to populate the database. If adding a new feature or bugfix that requires additional records, be sure to add the Zone or Record to the appropriate JSON file.